It's been a while since my last post but I think it's time I keep this blog updated now because I'm ENGAGED! and I need to keep all the fun exciting ideas I've found and that I come up with in one place.
Here's our Story:
Levi and I enjoy the outdoors. We do a lot of road trips, camping, and hiking together along with our puppy Osito. We three are a team. All summer long (2010) we talked about climbing Mt. St. Helens, but things on my end were always coming up on the weekends and I'd have to push the date back further.... Finally Levi said to me, we HAVE to climb that mountain this year! I committed to the weekend of October 2nd 2010. That night we drove up to base camp, I couldn't explain to you the excitement I felt because I had never done anything like this before and camping above a blanket of clouds was a whole new world to me and the coolest thing I had ever seen. The sunset was breath taking. We started our climb the morning of October 3rd before the sun came up. You could imagine the sunrise :o) The entire hike was beautiful with views of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, a cloudy blanket across the valley but by mid afternoon the clouds burned off and it was a beautiful sunny day. After 7 hours of boulder climbing we reached the top of St. Helens and Mt. Rainier was a grand sight from the top of this volcano! I couldn't believe my eyes! It was the prettiest view I had ever seen! We asked a fellow hiker to take a picture for us, Levi handed her the camera while I tried the best I could to get my messy hair picture ready and to get our dog in a sitting posed position. Levi walked back over to Osito and I, knelt to the ground and pulled a small box from his pocket. My heart raced with excitement! Here I am at the top of Mt. St. Helens my biggest adventure accomplishment yet and the love of my life is on bend and knee proposing! I was so overwhelmed with joy, tears, kisses, fellow hikers clapping, and laughter I had to ask him on the way down if I actually said the word yes. All the way down and back at base camp we were congratulated, it was nice to add that little extra something to their climbing experience as well. It was the most amazing experience of my life thus far. We plan to wed the summer of 2012, an outdoor rustic wedding is a must and our dog Osito will be right by our side as the ring bear! (Incase you didn’t know Osito means little bear in Spanish)
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