I have the type of hair that will pretty much do whatever you tell it to do. Sure...... you say I'm lucky but really, am I? It's REALLY thick, long and and curly, not tight curls just a settle wave. Now you think I'm just being a brat right? Well first off with those curls comes a naturally dry texture, and lots and lots of FRIZZ! Heaven forbid I straighten my hair and hit some humidity, let alone have it rain! It's insta fro! Did I mention I live in Portland, Oregon? I'd rather be caught dead with dirty underpants than be caught dead without a bottle of hair gel.
Anyway back to my topic of today: A hairdo. I really like braids, I'm not sure if it's a trend thing or if I do them because it's an easy way to keep my hair under control and I don't have to spend hours drying it....... But on my big day I know I want my hair down (YES A BRAID IS DOWN), I don't want it all over the place blowing around getting stuck in my lip gloss, and I want to show off a rad pair of earrings.
Here's a few similar braids I found that help put what I'm thinking into your thoughts:
First off a long side bride when pulling off the braid look is a must and I love the fishtail. I don't care for the top of "Fergi's" head in this pic, it's to flat. I like my hair messy it makes my big face look smaller. For the top I want whispies coming off the sides bangs poofed up, pulled back, and secured with a headband full of fun flowers and feathers on the side... maybe not feathers.... maybe not flowers.... but some sort of head piece like sequins? Or maybe I'll have sweep bangs.... And don't forget the bouffant poof in the back that's a given!

I love how messy and thick this braid is! I'm hoping by 2012 my hair is so long I'm able to pull off this full of a look... If not there's always clip in extensions I can buy at my local beauty supplier off of MLK ( LOVE THAT STORE) . Assuming by 2012 this is still how I picture my hair.

All for it to look as happy as this picture does

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