Levi & I have been talking a lot the last few days about what he is going to wear?? I added to the budget $100 for his attire.... That's fair right?
His only concern is that he wants to look like a P.I.M.P (Pretty Impressive Male Person) and with the $100 budget I assigned him I believe the best way to accomplish that would be through a second hand store. There's other second hand stores out there other than Goodwill people! How do I know this? Cause ladies is P.I.M.P.S too......
Anyway here's my favorite style for my handsome groom to be. I know he looks good in a fitted shirt rolled up to his elbows because that's his office attire. I also know know he looks good in a vest because he's got a nice gray suit that includes a vest. His goal is black so I vote for this outfit (minus the jeans) in all black. Black vest, black shirt, black pants, black tie, and black shoes. I like black. I could go with a white shirt under the vest but I feel like that is so cliché and to close to a tux and I hate penguin suits!
I also really like the idea of him wearing a paperboy hat like so or a fedora..... Kinda like paperboy better.
He'll also be holding my grandmothers handkerchief in his chest pocket that she purchased for me back in 1984 (the year after I was born) in Holland and had my initials embroidered into.
She still hasn't given it to me but she's told me it's waiting.

If the black and white is what he insists on going with I think this is perfect. A nicely fitted suit would compliment is physic well and I love the pencil neck tie.

As far as the grooms men, I like the idea of them mixing it up a bit. Vests, jackets, just a nice shirt, ties, suspenders.... All in different shades. Levi thinks I'm going to have a really hard time getting his men to wear suspenders but I LOVE them!

There we are with the suspenders again!
However we do have a groomsmaid. A female who will be standing on the grooms side. I would like her to wear a black or gray dress.
These vests are pretty P.I.M.P. Again we could go with different shades and all diffrent ties or even cool belt buckles, maybe a pocket watch here and there? And I think sunglasses are a great idea for groomsmen (OH and groommaids) gifts?

Anything but THIS!
Dear god........

Yes. You know I wrote this huge response, clicked on a a photo and lost all of it when I came back. Lame ass browser. Shannon, you are right on track with these ideas though.
Thanks Jared :o)