We're getting married in an old growth forest, lots of tall mossy trees will be surrounding us and our guests during the ceremony. I thought it would be a good idea to hang round paper lanterns from some of the trees as decoration but these handmade yarn or twine balls are even better! Not to mention a dollar saver!
Thank you Jessica for posting this on your blog!
What I'm going to need:
A variety of different sized balloons
Cotton yarn or Twine
4 oz. White school glue
1/2 cup of Corn starch
1/4 cup of Warm water
Something to stir with
Petroleum jelly
Clear fast drying spray paint
Fishing line
Container for mixing

Blow up a balloon. Not to it's maximum capacity so that it is rounder.
Prepare your work area by laying down a tarp. We hung a shower curtain between two chairs and suspended the balloons by it with string so we could have plenty of working room.
Mix corn starch, glue and warm water together until it's not lumpy
Smear the petroleum jelly all over your balloon until it is completely coated.
It's best and much faster if you have a friend help you with this. One of you begin feeding the yarn through the glue mix and handing it off to the other person to drape around the ball.
Tuck the start and end pieces of yarn beneath other pieces of yarn. Begin wrapping the yarn around the balloon vertically at a comfortable tightness, and gradually switch to wrapping horizontally.

After your ball has dried for 24 hours, you can pop the balloon! Use a chopstick to knock out any glue crystals that developed between strings.
Spray the ball with clear fast drying spray paint tie the fishing wire to the ball and hang!

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